“In September I was diagnosed with early Parkinson’s disease. As a fit 60-something this came as quite a blow. Dr Downing quickly started me on both oral and injected nutrient therapy.
So far I have only had 6 injections, but already I’ve felt dramatic improvements. The numbness and the pins and needles have almost gone; my walking is better and I have more energy and strength; I can now do things again that I had lost, like holding a fork and brushing my hair; I’m sleeping better, and I’ve even got back my sense of smell which had been gone for several years!”
In medical school, many years ago, they taught me that “the brain is a fatty organ”. It’s true; nerve cells have long axons, thin extensions leading to the connections with other cells (synapses). The axons are covered in cell membrane, made up of 90-something percent lipids (fats/oils), and there’s a lot of surface for the internal volume. So nervous systems are vulnerable to both a lack of, and damage to, their membrane lipids.
That’s why with all neurological and psychological symptoms we tend to assume there is a Starved Brain. The first thing to do for that is to feed the nerve cells – with the lipids they need for their structure, and all the nutrients, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and lipids, they need for normal, healthy functioning.
The next thing to do is detox the cells. These days we are all exposed to steadily increasing levels of environmental pollutants – WWF estimated that the average person takes in every week enough plastic to make a credit card. We are having to detox all the time, but for some people it is harder work, for reasons that may include genetic, nutritional, immune, and stress-related.
You may have already needed medication for the symptoms of such diseases, but you can still benefit from appropriate nutritional and ecological therapies.